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David Berry

David Berry

Bts reaction masterlist
















































EXO+BTS Imagines ? BTS Reaction Master List

bts reaction masterlist
Image source: em.wattpad.com/7722e2b8d004b3b079acf34dbfdeb1856e828e57/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f37534f7232313641684c6f6652673d3d2d3438323837383036342e313465656261396561383133643933393432363430353730393837362e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720

BTS Reaction Master List Reactions BTS • BTS Reaction to Being Told What to Do • BTS Reaction to You Being Afraid of the Dark • BTS Reaction to Younger Sibling Dating • BTS Reaction to Younger Fan” You two are on your sides, propped up on your elbows, facing each other.” You shook your head and smiled at him then brushed it off quickly, “I’m fine, a little water never hurt anyone haha.Little did you know he’s thinking the same thing as he gazes at you in the soft light.Without the lights from the city you can see the night sky in all its beautiful wonder.I want to come more often. - You saw Jimin come around the corner suddenly and you choked on your water, sputtering and wiping your mouth, cursing yourself for being so jumpy all of a sudden.You have no idea why you’re so nervous, Jimin was your friend and this wouldn’t change anything between the two of you.” He lets out a breath he was holding and almost cries in relief.His sweet smile and caring personality won you over and you knew it was all over for you then.A squirrel is running along a branch and you watch it as you sigh happily, you aren’t sure how this day could get any better, the sun was just warm enough and the sky was so blue, when you reach over the blanket and touch the grass it’s super soft under your fingers.

bts reaction masterlist
Image source: i.skyrock.net

BTS OT7 Masterlist BTS Reactions/Scenarios:You are their celebrity crush and they meet you backstage You almost fall over whenever you sneeze You are a chef and open up your own restaurant You fall

BTS Reactions/Scenarios ? MASTERLIST

” You give him a few pumps like you did before you had taken him into your mouth. “Awe I liked that one.” He says and continues to suck.You quickly rummage through your closet and pull out the black dress Hoseok always said you looked hot in and threw it on the bed, quickly getting undressed.As much as you didn’t want to say it you knew you wanted to be touched so bad.You hear his breath hitch and he pulls you off him.” You say giving him a repulsed look. “Joonie Please can I cum. “Thank you so much for tonight. “You tasted so good Princess, better than anything I have ever had.” “Do you want to tell me why there is over a million dollars missing from the account?” Taehyung says pointing his gun at Yoongi.You had just had a nice night out but when you two had a little too much wine it had taken a turn for the worst. EXO+BTS Imagines — BTS Reaction Master List.

kpop REACTIONS • BTS (Bangtan Boys) Masterlist

BTS Reactions.


DragonAceFlamez ? BTS Masterlist

She immediately started looking around if anyone else had noticed her and that’s when you slammed your hand over your mouth from saying anything any further.Mafia BTS reaction to their wife gets in trouble with a rival gang but handles herself.You were busy grocery shopping when you had bumped in Taeyeon.You were shocked at first because you never thought you would see the Taeyeon in your local grocery store but there she was.You enjoyed cooking and you were simply living in the moment, wanting to keep up the family business with the restaurant.She had a cap and mask covering her face and her eyes were wide when you uttered out her name in a bit of a daze CHLOE ❤️ — BTS Reactions Masterlist.

bts reaction masterlist
Image source: em.wattpad.com/1faa154c838e9aaaad40530eb942771acadbb531/68747470733a2f2f342e62702e626c6f6773706f742e636f6d2f2d553949754a54524d4e49492f567a584c66627676305a492f41414141414141414261632f57417a31345a63764e714d52446265587052486871654c74746e5732355a703041434c63422f73313630302f74756d626c725f696e6c696e655f6e6b6e71707654776a743174706e73326c2e676966?s=fit&h=360&w=360&q=80

You cooed, walking away before you caused any more harm.Your hands adjusted the bottle slightly, so it sat at the.Jungkook’s eyes carefully watching your every move.” “Thank.He jogged into the kitchen, boiling the kettle making two.It’s nice having someone to appreciate the.I was a lot younger, like a small child. “What are you.Most of all, having a girlfriend means love, the best.” “Thank you, for everything.” “You’ll smash it, just like you always do, and make me the proudest person in the room,” you replied, “I’m proud of you Jin.Go on, I’ll wake you when we get home.” Originally posted by ksjknj Keep reading.Your arm wrapped around him, “I just thought you might be a bit peckish.His arms wrapped around your waist, bringing you tightly into.You couldn’t help but smile as you saw the living room, a.He reached behind him, “I bought some cushions and a.Originally posted by minbuwuty Namjoon: “Give me my phone. “I’ll go and get some.He sighed, slipping his arm around your waist, making it clear to the.

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BTStory — Reaction Masterlist

bts reaction masterlist
Image source: em.wattpad.com/f051c7813e9eaa1894c59ee77fe73e95f9e1c398/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f4769555a744b6c78577a376a31513d3d2d3432343335313337322e313464653265666363333332616230303630383236373130383630382e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720

BTS Reactions Masterlist You Feel Insecure The Moment They Realise They Love You You Make Them Cry Happy Tears A Member Walks In On You Both Thinking You’re Doing Dirty Things You Flinch In The Middle

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